Content Information

  • General content:
    mentions of abduction, trafficking ring, alcohol/weed consumption, use of suppressants / going off suppressants, sick parent, discussion of previous emotional abuse from parent, mention of parent death, attempted kidnapping

    Sexual content:
    mf, mm, mfm, enthusiastic semi-public sex, heat sex, double penetration, biting, knotting, oral sex, penetrative sex

  • General content:
    threat of bodily harm, blackmail, mentioned physical assault of background character, emotional trauma, weaponed assault, scarring from assault, physical assault of a main character
    Sexual content:
    mm, mf, mfm, enthusiastic semi-public sex, biting, knotting, heat sex, oral sex, penetrative sex

  • General content:
    emotional abuse, violence, marijuana use, smoking, PTSD, severe gaslighting
    Sexual content:
    mf, mm, mfm, heat sex, biting, knotting, oral sex, penetrative sex, facial coverings, fingering

  • General content:
    time travel, magical abilities, shifting, fated protectors to lovers, redemption arc, mythology

    Sexual content: mf, mfm, oral sex, fingering, penetrative sex, enthusiastic violent sex

  • General content:

    existing relationship, secret identity, depiction of hell, demons

    Sexual content:

    mf, fem dom, switching, oral, vaginal penetration, pegging (anal), nipple piercings, spit

  • General content:
    Enemies to lovers, more weapons than physically possible, transmac character, transphobia/misgendering from parental figure, mentions of chest scars, forced proximity, brief bodily torture (unfortunately not the sexy kind), mentions of Hell, use of weapons (guns and knives)

    Sexual content:
    Self-lubing dragon appendages
    Explicit sex of the following variety: vaginal, oral, hand jobs. pegging (anal), consensual somno

  • General content:
    emotional manipulation/abuse and attempted physical assault from a parental figure (not sexual), property destruction/vandalism, brief mention of police

    Sexual content:
    weird dicks, slight exhibitionism, oral, frotting, anal, hand jobs, wing sensitivity and tail play.

  • General content:

    physical assault, permanent scar, abusive workplace, purity culture (they grow out of it), mention of domestic violence (not between the main characters), DV reporting process,

    Sexual content:

    first times, magically shifting genitals, hand jobs, horn jobs, oral sex, penetrative sex, tentacle sex, questionable use of a halo

    Pairings: m/x

  • General content:
    physical violence, cursing, dysfunctional family, found family, medium burn, weapons, character death, villain shenanigans

    Sexual content:
    vaginal penetration, oral sex, fingering, threesome, voyeurism